Chaos to Clarity

Get Crystal Clear on Your Right Next Step in Divorce


Wednesday @ 7 p.m. EST 

Join weekly group coaching sessions designed for individuals stuck in their divorce to gain clarity, confidence, and community. Ready to reclaim control of your desired life?


Are you feeling lost and utterly alone in the never-ending maze of divorce battles and co-parenting conflicts, paralyzed with fear and overwhelmed with fatigue? It's as if your life is on hold, leaving you unable to work, parent, or even sleep.

I've stood where you are. Four years ago, amid the chaos of COVID-19, I navigated my unexpected divorce in a foreign land, pregnant, and feeling hopeless. 

It was a nightmare. 

I couldn't sleep, eat, or think. Many nights, I woke up with panic attacks, ruminating on kids, money, and “Can I survive this?”

Two years and $25,000 later, my divorce didn't go anywhere. As the legal battle continued, I was drowning in confusion, fear, and debt. In those sleepless nights, I asked the same question that may be haunting you now: "When will this pain end?"

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It doesn't have to be this way...

Through personal trials, self-discovery, and walking alongside many clients, I've realized the biggest gap in our modern divorce approaches is that everyone works in silos. You may have a lot of professional help—lawyers, mediators, therapists, financial advisors, business advisors, etc., but no one looks at the whole picture and asks:

  • Who are you without the “wife” or "husband" label?
  • What life do you want to lead post-divorce?

From Surviving to Thriving

That's why I created “Chaos to Clarity” to help you look at the whole picture and grow holistically through your divorce so you can:

  • Avoid the same costly mistakes I and many others made 
  • Make informed decisions with courage, clarity, and confidence
  • Fully embrace who you are and live a life of purpose by YOUR design

What's Included In The Membership?

Once a week, we meet in a small group setting via Zoom to discuss topics and tactics that nurture your physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, and financial well-being during and after divorce.

Week 1

ReNu Training:

Lisa shares a concept and facilitates group discussions:

  • April: How is Divorce Negotiation Different?
  • May: Rebuilding from Within
  • June: Money Mindset

Learn concrete skills and apply them to your situation.

Week 2

ReNu Guest

Multi-disciplinary guest speakers dive deep into topics of their expertise:

  • April: 4 Keys to Negotiation Success | Rocco Neglia, CEO
  • May: Healing Your Trauma | Ksenia Prokofjeva, Hypnotherapist
  • June: Strategic Money Management | Sherri Evans

Stretch yourself to solve problems with diverse approaches.

Week 3

ReNu Story

Lisa interviews guests about their divorce transformation journey:

  • How did their divorce unfold?
  • What is that moment when they know they will be okay?
  • What lessons did they learn from this experience?

Get inspired by unique, personal, and meaningful insights.

Week 4

ReNu Mastermind

Lisa answers your most pressing questions:

  • Address your specific concerns 
  • Hear other participants' insights and experience
  • Sometimes, a single insight is all it takes to spark change

Enhance your confidence in making informed decisions.

"Chaos to Clarity" Is For You If...

  • You’re stuck in your divorce process, uncertain of the right next step
  • You’re looking for support, clarity, and closure
  • You’re tired of being consumed by the toxic dynamic with your ex
  • You’re ready to take responsibility for your healing and growth
  • You’re open to learning from diverse perspectives
  • You’re open to unconventional ways to address challenges
  • You’re open to trusting the process in the face of uncertainty
  • You’re ready to make real changes and live an expansive life with intention and purpose

"Chaos to Clarity" is NOT for you If...

  • You’re not committed to taking 100% accountability for your transformation journey
  • You continue blaming your ex or others for your situation
  • You’re not willing to reflect on your patterns
  • You seek quick fixes rather than consistent growth 
  • You’re not receptive to different perspectives and approaches
  • You’re not committed to investing in YOU 

Ready to reinvent through divorce?

We want to make sure this program is a good fit for you and vice versa.

Apply to Enrol

What happens after you apply?

  • We will review your application within 24 hours
  • Connect with Lisa over a 30-minute call
  • Complete registration and secure your spot
  • Receive an invitation to join the program

What happens after you're accepted?

  • Step 1: Access 4 onboarding videos to gain foundational knowledge
    1. Interview Your Legal Counsel to Align | Lisa Gu
    2. Fundamentals of Divorce Process | Phaedra Klodner, Family Law Lawyer
    3. Safeguard Your Wellbeing During/Post-divorce | Rita Clare, Psychotherapist
    4. Facts-Based vs. Fear-Based Decision-Making | Lisa Gu
  • Step 2: 60-minute 1:1 coaching session with Lisa to get clear on your goals 
  • Step 3: Attend weekly group calls
    Step 4: Receive call recordings 


  • Instant access to previous group coaching recordings 
  • Join our exclusive Facebook group community
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Let’s be real, time doesn’t heal

I see so many people stuck in their old narratives about their divorce, complaining and blaming others for years—missing the precious opportunity to live life. 

I also know people reclaim their voices and power before receiving their divorce papers.

Who do you want to be?

Today, I feel inspired and empowered to live a life filled with growth, connection, and meaning. My kids and I have not only survived, we’re thriving.

And you can, too!

Imagine the transformation from

Confusion🡪Getting clarity and closure
Uncertainty🡪Taking charge of your life
Isolation🡪Feeling supported
Stuck🡪Empowered to author your best life book

Take back control of your divorce process and healing journey for less than an hour of legal consultation fee per month. Are you in?

"I came in fog-minded, now I know clearly what I need to focus on."

- Shadi H

"Lisa has been an invaluable support during my midlife separation, inspiring me to become better, not bitter."

- Karen D.

"Lisa has the magic touch of calming me down. I so appreciate her support."

- Lisa S.

Chaos to Clarity Membership

Monthly Investment


Less than one hour of legal fee


Annual Investment


One Year, One Payment, Save $189!

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Grow holistically through your divorce journey:

  • Get a clear map of what's happening around you 
  • Know the pathway of the divorce process
  • Develop a pragmatic protection plan
  • Begin your healing journey 
  • Build a vision for the life you desire
  • Gain diverse perspectives from participants and speakers
  • Join a supportive community of deeply caring individuals who understand your journey

Remember, whether your marriage renews or not, the priority is to renew you. See you on the other side!

Apply to Renew You

"Chaos to Clarity" Application

Tell us about you to ensure this program is a good fit. We'll get back to you within 24 hours.Â